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Chen Jie Hosts Training Sessions for Peopl's Superviors of Zhoushan

Views:627    AddTime:2018/11/12    Bookmark this page

    On the morning of November 9, 2018, Chen Jie, lawyer from Zhejiang Zhenzhou Law Firm, gave a speech for people's supervisors of zhoushan"Why Misjudged Cases Occur - Also on the Amendment of the New Criminal Procedure Law" in a training seminar organized by the Judicial Bureau of Zhoushan.
    Based on the previous experience of procuratorial organs, starting from the history of the establishment and development of Zhoushan People's Supervisors, and from the perspective of the supervision of the people's Supervisors on possible criminal cases, lawyer Chen Jie has made a thorough analysis of several innocent cases that have a national impact in recent years, and made a comparison between the review mechanism and causes of misjudged cases at home and abroad, and analyzed the causes of misjudged cases in an all-round way. It also explained the reference and guiding significance for the next step of legal supervision. At the same time, lawyer Chen Jie introduced the main content and significance of the amendment in the light of the latest amendments to the Criminal Procedure Law. The content of the speech was welcomed and praised by the people's supervisors.
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